

Search PTACs and Accessories by SKU

SKUUPC codeManufacturerProduct Name
PTC073G35AXXX 663051515468 Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PTC074G35AXXX 663051515475 Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Controls
PTC124G35AXXX 663051515512 Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PTH123G35AXXX 663051505797 Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
AZ45E09DAB 84691815518 GE GE 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Controls
PBC092E00AX 663051435865 Amana New Amana PBC Series 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 115 volt - 15 amp - with Digital Controls and No Heat
PBH092G12CB 663051505056 Amana New Amana PBH Series 9,000 BTU TTW Window Air Conditioner - 115 volt - 15 amp - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump
AKTW12ER52 813084021942 Midea New Midea ER52 Series 12,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
26TTW09HP115V1A 26TTW09HP115V1A
Gree New Gree 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 115 volt - 15 amp - with Digital Controls
26TTW09HP230V1A-T 26TTW09HP230V1A Gree Gree 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
26TTW12HP230V1A-T - Gree New Gree 12,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump
26TTW09HP115V1A 26TTW09HP115V1A Gree New Gree 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 115 volt - 15 amp - with Digital Control and Heat Pump
EZ2609B2C1S45AA - IslandAire New IslandAire 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump
AKS12ER72 817986020607 Midea New Midea 12,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
AGK01DB - Amana New Amana Grille - AGK01DB
AGK01TB 110600235 Amana New Amana Grille - AGK01TB
PTSB420E - Amana New Amana Subbase - PTSB420E
REK10B - Amana New Amana Low Voltage Kit - REK10B
PDXWS - Friedrich New Friedrich Sleeve - PDXWS
PXGA R013120181616 Friedrich New Friedrich Aluminum Grille - PXGA
PXSE PXSE Friedrich New Friedrich Sleeve Extension - PXSE
VPAWP1-8 724587405293 Friedrich New Friedrich Plenum - VPAWP1-8
PXPC26530 - Friedrich New Friedrich Cord - PXPC26530
PXDR10 R041020181867 Friedrich New Friedrich Drain Kit - PXDR10
26TTW12HC230V1A 852036004695
Gree New Gree 12,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat - LV
MP07EMA52 813084022635 Midea Midea 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
MP12EMC63 813084027487 Midea Midea 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
AKTW14ER52 - Midea New Midea 14,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
EZ2609B5Y1S44AA - IslandAire New IslandAire 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 115 volt - 15 amp - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump
VHA18K50RTP - Friedrich VTAC Unit - 18k Friedrich 208v 23" Air Conditioner With Integral Heat Pump and Resistive Electric Heat
RAB46A 84691190646 GE New GE TTW Sleeve - RAB46A
RAB71B 084691817802 GE New GE Sleeve - RAB71B
PTC094G35AXXX 663051498280 Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PTC154G35AXXX 663051515550 Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PTH123G50AXXX 663051515420 Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PBH073G35CC - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PDE07K3SG - Friedrich Friedrich PD Series 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control - DS
PDE09K3SG - Friedrich Friedrich PD Series 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PDE12K3SG - Friedrich Friedrich PD Series 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PDE07R3SG 724587431414 Friedrich Friedrich 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PDE12R3SG - Friedrich Friedrich 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20A - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PDE15R5SG - Friedrich Friedrich 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PDH07K3SG - Friedrich Friedrich PD Series 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PZH09K3SB 724587435771 Friedrich Friedrich PZ Series 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PDH12K3SG - Friedrich Friedrich PD Series 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PDH15K5SG - Friedrich Friedrich PD Series 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PDH07R3SG - Friedrich Friedrich 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PDH09R3SG - Friedrich Friedrich 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PDH12R3SG - Friedrich Friedrich 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PDH15R5SG - Friedrich Friedrich 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
MP09EMB82 R071920182335 Midea Midea 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
MP12EMB82 R071920182334 Midea Midea 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
MP15EMB82 R071920182339 Midea Midea 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
MP09HMB82 R071920182340 Midea Midea 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
MP12HMB82 817986025510 Midea Midea 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
MP15EMC82 R072020182346 Midea Midea 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
MP15HMB82 R072320182355 Midea Midea 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
MP15HMC82 R072320182356 Midea Midea 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
MTA12ER82 817986025428 Midea New Midea 82 Series 12,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
RAG60 84691745822 GE New GE Aluminum Grille - RAG60
RAG62 R013120181614 GE New GE Grille - RAG62
RAG63 R013120181618 GE New GE Grille - RAG63
GE New GE Grille - RAG61
RAG67 84691747024 GE New GE Grille - RAG67
RAVWPT8 84691067153 GE New GE Plenum - RAVWP8
RAB71A 1234567891 GE New GE Sleeve - RAB71A
Generic 785007762105 Generic New Generic Receptacle - Generic
ETAC2-15HP230VA-CP - Gree Gree 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
E2CORD-230V30A - Gree New Gree Cord - E2CORD-230V30A
12020300A00009 R013120181612 Midea New Midea Sleeve - 12020300A00009
2028217A0030 814982018812 Midea New Midea Sleeve - 2028217A00030
12020300A00080 R020120181626 Midea New Midea Grille - 12020300A00080
TW108 66028000682 Suncourt New Suncourt Fan - TW108
BAYTRDM001 1PBAYTRDM001 Trane New Trane Thermostat - BAYTRDM001
Refurb R032720181798 Trane New Trane Refurbished Front Cover - Refurb
Refurb R032820181801 Trane New Trane Refurbished Control Board - Refurb
ETAC09HC230V20A - Gree Gree 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
2246007 2246007 Amana New Amana Thermostat - 2246007
11045201 R071820182315
Amana New Amana Filter - 11045201
11114701 11114701 Amana New Amana Cord - 11114701
11122902 11122902 Amana New Amana Filter - 11122902
11167401 R071820182317
Amana New Amana Grille - 11167401
20075601 20075601 Amana New Amana Thermostat Clip - 20075601
25038301 20358301 Friedrich New Friedrich Rotary - 25038301
20414601 20414601 Amana New Amana Condenser Fan Blade- 20414601
22312902 R071820182318
Amana New Amana Heater Kit - 22312902
22312903 22312903 Amana New Amana Heater Kit - 22312903
22312904 22312904 Amana New Amana Heater Kit - 22312904
25009200 R061520182127 Friedrich New Friedrich Pulley - 25009200
25022032 R071820182313
Friedrich New Friedrich Heat Pump Valve - 25022032
25024915 25024915 Friedrich New Friedrich Compressor - 25024915
25037804 R071820182287 Friedrich New Friedrich Filter - 25037804
25055201 R071820182311
Friedrich New Friedrich Heater Kit - 25055201
25080050 25080050 Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board - 25080050
25080052 25080052 Friedrich New Friedrich Thermistor - 25080052
25080060 25080060 Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board - 25080060
30132022 30132022 Amana New Amana Control Board - 30132022
30132024 R071820182301
Amana New Amana Control Board - 30132024
30132025 R071820182299
Amana New Amana Control Board - 30132025
30132187 30132187 Amana New Amana Control Board - 30132187
30132188 30132188 Amana New Amana Control Board - 30132188
30562039 R071820182305
Amana New Amana Control Display - 30562039
45010320 R071820182323
Amana New Amana Rotary Switch - 45010320
45040017 45040017 Amana New Gree Thermostat - 45040017
60343503 R071820182288 Friedrich New Friedrich Compressor Overload Protection - 60343503
60343525 R071820182285 Friedrich New Friedrich Compressor Overload Protection - 60343525
60865801 60865801 Friedrich New Friedrich Filter - 60865801
60865802 60865802 Friedrich New Friedrich Filter - 60865802
60865805 60865805 Friedrich New Friedrich Filter - 60865805
60865808 60865808 Friedrich New Friedrich Filter - 60865808
60865809 60865809 Friedrich New Friedrich Filter - 60865809
60865810 60865810 Friedrich New Friedrich Filter - 60865810
60865811 60865811 Friedrich New Friedrich Filter - 60865811
60865900 R071820182309 Friedrich New Friedrich Thermostat Clips - 60865900
61080536 61080536 Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 61080536
61080559 61080559 Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 61080559
61764521 R071820182304
Friedrich New Friedrich Compressor - 61764521
61764535 R071820182298
Friedrich New Friedrich Compressor Overload Protection - 61764535
61808001 R071820182308
Friedrich New Friedrich Resistor for Control Board - 61808001
61824405 61824405 Friedrich New Friedrich Thermostat - 61824405
61828400 R071820182324
Friedrich New Friedrich Thermostat - 61828400
61989000 R071820182303
Friedrich New Friedrich Front Cover Clips - 61989000
62400210 R071820182319
Friedrich New Friedrich Filter - 62400210
67201797 67201797 Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board - 67201797
67300711 67300711 Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 67300711
67303050 67303050 Friedrich New Friedrich Double Shaft Motor - 67303050
67603934 67603934 Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board - 67603934
68700146 68700146 Friedrich New Friedrich Motor Bearing - 68700146
68700172 R071820182320
Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board - 68700172
80102293 80102293 Friedrich New Friedrich Heater Kit - 80102293
150110335 150110335 Amana New Amana Evaporator Motor - 150110335
1501180302 R071820182312
Gree New Gree Condenser Motor - 1501180302
202400401225 - Midea New Midea Outdoor Motor - 202400401225
0130M00096 R071820182294
Amana New Amana Relay for Control Board - 0130M00096
0130M00132 R071820182291 Amana New Amana High Pressure Switch - 0130M00132
0130P00024 R071820182296
Amana New Amana Heat Pump Valve - 0130P00024
0130P00073 0130P00073 Amana New Amana Thermistor - 0130P00073
0130P00074 0130P00074 Amana New Amana Thermistor - 0130P00074
0130P00086 0130P00086 Amana New Amana Thermistor - 0130P00086
0130P00093 0130P00093 Amana New Amana Thermistor - 0130P00093
0130P00096 0130P00096
Amana New Amana Thermistor - 0130P00096
0131P00006 0131P00006 Amana New Amana Evaporator Motor - 0131P00006
0131P00010 0131P00010 Amana New Amana Evaporator Motor - 0131P00010
0131P00026S 0131P00026S
Amana New Amana Outdoor Motor - 0131P00026S
0131P00033S 0131P00033S Amana New Amana Outdoor Motor - 0131P00033S
0131P00034S 0131P00034S Amana New Amana Outdoor Motor - 0131P00034S
0150P00004S R060820182112 Amana New Amana Blower Fan - 0150P00004S
0151P00001 0151P00001 Amana New Amana Heat Pump Valve - 0151P00001
0161P00035 0161P00035 Amana New Amana Filter - 0161P00035
0161P00053 r071820182316 Amana New Amana Shroud - 0161P00053
0161P00055S 0161P00055S Amana New Amana Fan Blade- 0161P00055S
0163P00027 r071820182331
Amana New Amana Motor Bearing - 0163P00027
0275P00065S R120920207530 Amana New Amana Heater Kit - 0275P00065S
6871A00084N 6871A00084N
LG New LG Control Board - 6871A00084N
6871A20522C 6871a20522c LG New LG Control Board - 6871A20522C
KK-6-30P - Kord King New Kord King Cord - A-6-30P
AYWH110 48231371339 LG New LG Thermostat - AYWH110
BRD03075 - Trane New Trane Control Board - BRD03075
CAP015000500PB R071820182293 Amana New Amana Capacitor - CAP015000500PB
CAP020250450CS CAP020250450CS Amana New Amana Capacitor - CAP020250450CS
CAP050250440RS r071820182329 Amana New Amana Capacitor - CAP050250440RS
CAP050350440CS R071820182328
Amana New Amana Capacitor - CAP050350440CS
CAP050350440RSP CAP050350440RSP
Amana New Amana Capacitor - CAP05035440RSP
CAPKT02 R071820182322
Amana New Amana Capacitor - CAPKT02
CAPKT03 R071820182321
Amana New Amana Capacitor - CAPKT03
CFK10A CFK10A Amana New Amana Filter - CFK10A
D6961612 R071820182302
Amana New Amana Compressor - D6961612
D6961639 R071820182300
Amana New Amana Compressor - D6961639
D6961642 R071820182297
Amana New Amana Compressor Overload Protection - D6961642
D6961657 R071820182289 Amana New Amana Compressor Overload Protection - D6961657
Gree New Gree Drain Kit - DRAIN-KIT-1PK
DS01C DS01C Amana New Amana Thermostat - DS01C
DT01A DT01A Amana New Amana Antenna - DT01A
EBG61108912 R082020182517 LG New LG Thermistor - EBG61108912
EBG61110708 R071820182306
LG New LG Thermistor - EBG61110708
FK10A R071820182330
Amana New Amana Filter - FK10A
GT01G GT01G Amana New Amana Antenna - GT01G
HAFLTR02 R041020185555 Trane New Trane Filter - HAFLTR02
KIT09667 - Trane New Trane Knob - KIT09667
L180-20 687152020577 Supco New Supco Thermostat Limit Switch - L180-20
PT 1881 - Kord King New Kord King Cord - PT 1881
PWHK01C 1236703 Amana New Amana Thermostat Wiring Harness - PWHK01C
PXFTA PXFTA Friedrich New Friedrich Filter - PXFTA
PXPC23020 - Friedrich New Friedrich Cord - PXPC23020A
PXPC26520A - Friedrich New Friedrich Cord - PXPC26520A
RAD10 084691747406
GE New GE Drain Kit - RAD10
RAK148D1 A RAK148D1
GE New GE Thermostat - RAK148D1
RAK164D2 A RAK164D2
M RAK164D2
GE New GE Thermostat - RAK164D2
GE New GE 15 Amp Cord - RAK315P
RAK3202S - GE New GE Cord - RAK3202S
RAK320P 84691817581 GE New GE 20 Amp Cord - RAK320P
RAK515D 84691817697 GE New GE Cord - RAK515D
RAK5202 - GE New GE Cord - RAK5202
RAK520D 84691817703 GE New GE Cord - RAK520D
RAK520P 084691817673 GE New GE Cord - RAK520P
RT6 - Friedrich New Friedrich Thermostat - RT6
WJ12X10072 WJ12X10072 GE New GE Knob - WJ12X10072
WJ26X10110 WJ26X10110 GE New GE Control Board - WJ26X10110
WJ29X10014 WJ29X10014 GE New GE Control Board - WJ29X10014
WJ73X10037 WJ73X10037 GE New GE Condenser Fan Blade- WJ73X10037
WJ73X10047 WJ73X10047 GE New GE Condenser Fan Blade - WJ73X10047
WJ85X10041 WJ85X10041 GE New GE Filter - WJ85X10041
WJ94X10150 - GE New GE Evaporator Motor - WJ94X10150
WP07X10006 - GE New GE Knob - WP07X10006
WP07X10013 WP07X10013 GE New GE Control Base Assembly - WP07X10013
WP12X10002 WP12X10002 GE New GE Knob - WP12X10002
WP26X10002 - GE New GE Control Board - WP26X10002
WP26X10006 WP26X10006 GE New GE Control Board - WP26X10006
WP29X10001 WP29X10001 GE New GE Control Board - WP29X10001
WP29X10029 WP29X10029 GE New GE Control Board - WP29X10029
WP70X10037 WP70X10037 GE New GE Heater Kit - WP70X10037
WP71X0046 R071820182310
GE New GE Grille - WP71X0046
WP71X10008 - GE New GE Shroud - WP71X10008
WP71X10012 WP71X10012 GE New GE Grille - WP71X10012
WP73X10004 WP73X10004 GE New GE Blower Fan - WP73X10004
WP73X10008 WP73X10008 GE New GE Blower Fan - WP73X10008
WP76X10031 WP76X10031 GE New GE Shroud - WP76X10031
WP76X10033 WP76X10033 GE New GE Shroud - WP76X10033
WP85X10001 WP85X10001 GE New GE Filter - WP85X10001
WP85X10002 WP85X10002 GE New GE Filter - WP85X10002
WP85X10003 WP85X10003 GE New GE Filter - WP85X10003
WP85X10004 - GE New GE Filter - WP85X10004
WP85X10008 WP85X10008 GE New GE Filter - WP85X10008
WP94X10007 - GE New GE Evaporator Motor - WP94X10007
WP94X10232 WP94X10232 GE New GE Outdoor Motor - WP94X10232
WP94X20646 - GE New GE Condenser Motor - WP94X20646
WRT1 724587429374 Friedrich New Friedrich Thermostat - WRT1
DD01E DD01E Amana New Amana Wireless Door Sensor - DD01E
RSKP0009 RSKP0009 Amana Amana Control Board - RSKP0009 Use RSKP0014
DK900D P6175207R Amana New Amana Drain Kit - DK900D
RSKP0010 RSKP0010 Amana Amana RSKP0010 (Use RSKP0013)
WS900E 0270P00508 Amana New Amana Sleeve - WS900E
PBAGK01TB P1201109R Amana New Amana Grille - PBAGK01TB
PHWT-A150H 21079171507 Amana New Amana Thermostat - 2246003
20415901 R071920182336 Amana New Amana Door - 20415901
CAPKT01 CAPKT01 Amana New Amana Capacitor - CAPKT01
SGK01B P6785908R Amana New Amana Grille - SGK01B
0261P00003 - Amana New Amana Door - 0261P00003
0275P00066S 0275P00066S Amana New Amana Heater Kit - 0275P00066S
RSKP0005 - Amana New Amana Control Board - RSKP0005
FK10E R090620182569 Amana New Amana Filter - FK10E
PBWS01A - Amana New Amana 26" Sleeve - PBWS01A
10312903 - Amana New Amana Blower Fan Blade- 10312903
0130P00141 R072520182411 Amana New Amana Thermistor - 0130P00141
PZE07K3SB - Friedrich Friedrich PZ Series 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PZH07K3SB - Friedrich Friedrich PZ Series 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PZE09K3SB - Friedrich Friedrich PZ Series 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PDH09K3SG - Friedrich Friedrich PD Series 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PZH09R3SB - Friedrich Friedrich 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
0131P00029S - Amana New Amana Indoor Motor - 0131P00029S
0131P00025S - Amana New Amana Outdoor Fan Motor - 0131P00025S
RSKP0012 - Amana New Amana Control Board - RSKP0012 (Use RSKP0013)
PCBEP100SF - Amana New Amana Control Board - PCBEP100SF
EZ15AE3DD1S44AB - IslandAire IslandAire 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PZE09R3SB - Friedrich Friedrich 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PZE12K3SB - Friedrich Friedrich PZ Series 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PZE12R3SB - Friedrich Friedrich 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PZH12K3SB - Friedrich Friedrich PZ Series 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PZH12R3SB - Friedrich Friedrich 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PZE15K5SB - Friedrich Friedrich PZ Series 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PZH15K5SB - Friedrich Friedrich PZ Series 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
0130P00144 - Amana New Amana Thermistor - 0130P00144
ETAC2-07HC230VA-CP - Gree Gree 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
ETAC2-09HC230VA-CP ETAC2-09HC230VA-CP Gree Gree 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
ETAC2-12HC230VA-CP - Gree Gree 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
ETAC2-15HC230VA-CP - Gree Gree 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
ETAC2-07HC265VA-CP - Gree Gree 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
ETAC2-09HC265VA-CP - Gree Gree 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
ETAC2-12HC265VA-CP - Gree Gree 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
ETAC2-15HC265VA-CP - Gree Gree 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
ETAC2-07HP230VA-A - Gree Gree 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC2-09HP230VA-CP - Gree Gree 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC2-12HP230VA-CP - Gree Gree 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC2-07HP265VA-CP - Gree Gree 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC2-09HP265VA-CP - Gree Gree 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC2-12HP265VA-CP - Gree Gree 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC2-15HP265VA-CP - Gree Gree 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
E2CORD-230V15A - Gree New Gree Cord - E2CORD-230V15A
E2CORD-230V20A - Gree New Gree Cord - E2CORD-230V20A
E2CORD-265V15A - Gree New Gree Cord - E2CORD-265V15A
E2CORD-265V20A - Gree New Gree Cord - E2CORD-265V20A
E2CORD-265V30A - Gree New Gree Cord - E2CORD-265V30A
WS918D-CFA P1251603R Amana New Amana Sleeve - WS918D-CFA
PXPC23015A - Friedrich New Friedrich Cord - PXPC23015A
PXPC23030A - Friedrich New Friedrich Cord - PXPC23030A
PXPC26515A - Friedrich New Friedrich Cord - PXPC26515A
AZ45E07DAB - GE GE 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
AZ45E12DAB - GE GE 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
AZ45E15DAB - GE GE 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
AZ45E07EAC - GE GE 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - AZ45E07EAC
AZ45E09EAC - GE GE 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - AZ45E09EAC
AZ45E12EAC - GE GE 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - AZ45E12EAC
AZ45E15EAC - GE GE 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - AZ45E15EAC
AZ65H07DAB - GE GE 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
AZ65H09DAB - GE GE 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
AZ65H12DAB 084691815846 GE GE 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
AZ65H15DAB - GE GE 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
AZ65H07EAC - GE GE 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AZ65H07EAC
AZ65H09EAC - GE GE 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AZ65H09EAC
AZ65H12EAC - GE GE 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AZ65H12EAC
AZ65H15EAC - GE GE 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AZ65H15EAC
RAK330P - GE New GE 30 Amp Cord - RAK330P
RAK515P M RAK515P GE New GE 15 Amp Cord 265V - RAK515P
RAK530P - GE New GE Cord - RAK530P
PDXWSA - Friedrich New Friedrich Sleeve - PDXWSA
PXAA - Friedrich New Friedrich Grille - PXAA
PXBG - Friedrich New Friedrich Grille - PXBG
0130M00152S - Amana New Amana Transformer - 0130M00152S
BAYPCRD009 - Trane New Trane Cord - BAYPCRD009
BRD3075 - Trane New Trane Control Board - BRD3075
4090661 - IslandAire New IslandAire Drain Kit - 4090661
11044101 - Amana New Amana Blower Fan - 11044101
150116061 - Amana New Amana TTW Motor - 150116061
0130P00134 - Amana New Amana Thermistor - 0130P00134
0131P00007SP - Amana New Amana Indoor Motor - 0131P00007SP
4681A20063A - LG New LG Outdoor Motor - 4681A20063A
4861A20064M - LG New LG Indoor Motor - 4861A20064M
RAK320SP - GE New GE Cord - RAK320SP
RAK806 - GE New GE Thermostat - RAK806-10PK
WJ65X10005 - GE New GE Motor Mount - WJ65X10005
WP94X10041 WP94X10041 GE New GE Indoor Motor - WP94X10041
04149025552 - McQuay New McQuay Heater Kit - 4149025552
PXSB26520 - Friedrich New Friedrich Subbase - PXSB26520
0261P00000A - Amana New Amana Front Cover - 0261P00000A
BAYPCRD003 - Trane New Trane Cord - BAYPCRD003
25039901 - Friedrich New Friedrich Thermostat - 25039901
25043300 - Friedrich New Friedrich Thermostat - 25043300
D9831804H - Amana New Amana Compressor - D9831804H
EMWRT2 - Friedrich New Friedrich Thermostat - EMWRT2
HR56AM033 - Carrier New Carrier Rotary Switch - HR56AM033
HR56AM035 - Carrier New Carrier Rotary Switch - HR56AM035
WP26X20983 - GE New GE Thermostat Wire Harness - WP26X20983
PHWT-A150H - Amana New Amana Thermostat - PHWT-A150H
PHWT-A200 - Amana New Amana Thermostat - PHWT-A200
11042903 - Amana New Amana Knob - 11042903
30132023 - Amana New Amana Control Board - 30132023
30132191 - Amana New Amana Control Board - 30132191
30562015 - Amana New Amana Control Board - 30562015
30562020 - Amana New Amana Control Board - 30562020
30562022 - Amana New Amana Control Board - 30562022
0130P00116 - Amana New Amana Cord - 0130P00116
0131P00000S - Amana New Amana Condenser Motor - 0131P00000S
0131P00002S - Amana New Amana Condenser Motor - 0131P00002S
0131P00008SP - Amana New Amana Outdoor Motor - 0131P00008SP
0131P00014SP - Amana New Amana Outdoor Motor - 0131P00014SP
BAYHWRK001 - Trane New Trane Cord - BAYHWRK001
NEMA 7-20 - LeGrand New LeGrand Receptacle NEMA 7-20
WP27X10072 - GE New GE Thermistor - WP27X10072
WP27X10065 - GE New GE Thermistor - WP27X10065
WP26X21015 - GE New GE Thermistor - WP26X21015
WP94X20856 - GE New GE Condenser Fan Blade - WP94X20856
WP73X10013 - GE New GE Blower Fan - WP73X10013
WP73X20970 - GE New GE Blower Fan - WP73X20970
WP94X22840 - GE New GE Outdoor Motor - WP94X22840
0130P00112 - Amana New Amana Cord - 0130P00112
WP94X20645 - GE New GE Outdoor Motor - WP94X20645
WP94X10309 - GE New GE Indoor Motor - WP94X10309
WP49X22362 - GE New GE Indoor Motor - WP49X22362
WP94X10306 - GE New GE Indoor Motor - WP94X10306
WP26X23380 - GE New GE Control Board - WP26X23380
WP29X10064 - GE New GE Control Board - WP29X10064
WP29X10065 - GE New GE Control Board - WP29X10065
WP29X10066 - GE New GE Control Board - WP29X10066
WP29X10074 - GE New GE Control Board - WP29X10074
WP29X10061 - GE New GE Control Board - WP29X10061
WP29X10072 - GE New GE Control Board - WP29X10072
WP26X22720 - GE New GE Control Board - WP26X22720
WP29X10021 - GE New GE Control Board - WP29X10021
WP29X10010 - GE New GE Control Board - WP29X10010
WP70X20720 - GE New GE Heater Kit - WP70X20720
WP70X21586 - GE New GE Heater Kit - WP70X21586
RAK148D2 - GE New GE Thermostat - RAK148D2
ETAC-07HP265V20A - Gree Gree 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
2246002 - Amana New Amana Thermostat - 2246002
2246008 - Amana New Amana Thermostat - 2246008
10312904 - Amana New Amana Condenser Fan Blade- 10312904
10331008 - Amana New Amana Condenser Fan Blade- 10331008
15011033 - Amana New Amana Indoor Motor - 15011033
15011048 - Amana New Amana Outdoor Motor - 15011048
20357001 - Amana New Amana Shroud - 20357001
20396701 - Amana New Amana Shroud - 20396701
20401301 - Amana New Amana Shroud - 20401301
22312907 - Amana New Amana Heater Kit - 22312907
22312908 - Amana New Amana Heater Kit - 22312908
30132033 - Amana New Amana Control Board - 30132033
30562016 - Amana New Amana Control Board - 30562016
30562021 - Amana New Amana Control Board - 30562021
30562023 - Amana New Amana Control Board - 30562023
30562040 - Amana New Amana Control Board - 30562040
32001011 - Amana New Amana Heater Kit - 32001011
61493906 - Friedrich New Friedrich Knob - 61493906
68700110 - Friedrich New Friedrich Thermistor - 68700110
150110332 - Amana New Amana Indoor Motor - 150110332
0130P00058 - Amana New Amana Cord - 0130P00058
0130P00062 - Amana New Amana Cord - 0130P00062
0130P00069 - Amana New Amana Cord - 0130P00069
0130P00119 - Amana New Amana Cord - 0130P00119
0130P00128 - Amana New Amana Cord - 0130P00128
0131P00001S - Amana New Amana Condenser Motor - 0131P00001S
0131P00003S - Amana New Amana Condenser Motor - 0131P00003S
0131P00008 - Amana New Amana Outdoor Motor - 0131P00008
0131P00030S - Amana New Amana Outdoor Motor - 0131P00030S
0131P00036 - Amana New Amana Indoor Motor - 0131P00036
0151P00000 - Amana New Amana Heat Pump Valve - 0151P00000
0161P00026 - Amana New Amana Shroud - 0161P00026
0161P00033 - Amana New Amana Grille - 0161P00033
0261P00006S - Amana New Amana Front Cover - 0261P00006S
0275P00014 - Amana New Amana Heater Kit - 0275P00014
0275P00019S - Amana New Amana Heater Kit - 0275P00019S
0275P00020S - Amana New Amana Heater Kit - 0275P00020S
0275P00021S - Amana New Amana Heater Kit - 0275P00021S
0275P00024S - Amana New Amana Heater Kit - 0275P00024S
3H00660C - LG New LG Capacitor - 3H00660C
4681A20064N - LG New LG Indoor Motor - 4681A20064N
5230A20021A - LG New LG Filter - 5230A20021A
5901A20050A - LG New LG Blower Fan - 5901A20050A
5901A20051A - LG New LG Blower Fan - 5901A20051A
6411A20048M - LG New LG Cord - 6411A20048M
6871A00085A - LG New LG Control Board - 6871A00085A
AGK01CB - Amana New Amana Grille - AGK01CB
AGK01SB - Amana New Amana Grille - AGK01SB
AGK01WB - Amana New Amana Arch Grille - AGK01WB
AYRGALA01 - LG New LG Grille - AYRGALA01
AXSVA1 - LG New LG Sleeve - AXSVA1
AXSVA4 - LG New LG Sleeve - AXSVA4
AXRGALA01 - LG New LG Grille - AXRGALA01
AYDR101B - LG New LG Drain Kit - AYDR101A
AYFT110 - LG New LG Filter - AYFT110
AYHW101 - LG New LG Cord - AYHW101
AYLD1A - LG New LG Plenum - AYLD1A
AYRE110 - LG New LG Thermostat - AYRE110
AYSB1201B - LG New LG Subbase - AYSB1101A
AYSB1301B - LG New LG Subbase - AYSB2101A
AYSB2201B - LG New LG Subbase - AYSB2201B
AYSVB01A - LG New LG Sleeve - AYSVB01A
AYUH2115 - LG New LG Cord - AYUH2115
AYUH2120 - LG New LG Cord - AYUH2120
AYUH2130 - LG New LG Cord - AYUH2130
B1379501 - Amana New Amana Receptacle - B1379501
CAP050150440RSP - Amana New Amana Capacitor - CAP050150440RSP
CAP050250440RSP - Amana New Amana Capacitor - CAP050250440RSP
CAP050300440RSP - Amana New Amana Capacitor - CAP050300440RSP
CFK10B - Amana New Amana Filter - CFK10B
EAE43285405 - LG New LG Capacitor - EAE43285405
EAE43285407 - LG New LG Capacitor - EAE43285407
EAE59075705 - LG New LG Capacitor - EAE59075705
EBG61106833 - LG New LG Thermistor - EBG61106833
EDK02B - Amana New Amana Duct Extension - EDK02B
FK10B - Amana New Amana Filter - FK10B
MDK01E - Amana New Amana Lateral Duct Kit - MDK01E
PGK01DB - Amana New Amana Grille - PGK01DB
PGK01TB - Amana New Amana Grille - PGK01TB
PGK01WB - Amana New Amana Grille - PGK01WB
PSHW03A - Amana New Amana Subbase Disconnect Switch PSHW03A
PSHW04A - Amana New Amana Subbase Disconnect Switch- PSHW04A
PTCB10A - Amana New Amana Curtain Deflector - PTCB10A
PTCB10B - Amana New Amana Curtain Deflector - PTCB10B
PTCB10E - Amana New Amana Curtain Deflector - PTCB10E
PTDBK01G - Amana New Amana Control Board - PTDBK01G
PTSB320E - Amana New Amana Subbase - PTSB320E
PTSB330E - Amana New Amana Subbase - PTSB330E
PTSB430E - Amana New Amana Subbase - PTSB430E
PYRCUCA0B - LG New LG Thermostat - PYRCUCA0B
R0156886 - Amana New Amana Heat Pump Valve - R0156886
RSKP0008 - Amana New Amana Control Board - RSKP0008
SEZA0501A - Amana New Amana Sleeve - SEZA0501A
SGK01TB - Amana New Amana Grille - SGK01TB
TDK02B - Amana New Amana Terminal Duct - TDK02B
AE093G35AX - Amana New Amana 9,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
AE123G35AX - Amana New Amana 12,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
AE183G35AX - Amana New Amana 18,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
AH093G35AX - Amana New Amana 9,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump
AH123G35AX - Amana New Amana 12,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump
AH183G35AX - Amana New Amana 18,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump
LP073CDUC - LG LG 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
LP073HDUC - LG LG 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230V - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
LP093CDUC - LG LG 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
LP093HDUC1 - LG LG 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
LP123CDUC - LG LG 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
LP123HDUC1 - LG LG 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
LP153CDUC - LG LG 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
LP153HDUC1 - LG LG 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
UE10D33D 724587431780 Friedrich New Friedrich 10,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
20415801 - Amana New Amana Filter - 20415801
ETAC-15HC230V30A-A - Gree Gree 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
ETAC-07HC265V20B-CP - Gree Gree 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
ETAC-07HP230V15B-CP - Gree Gree 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC-07HP265V20A - Gree Gree 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC-07HP265V20B - Gree Gree 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC-09HP230V15B-CP - Gree Gree 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PDE09R3SG 724587431438 Friedrich Friedrich 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
0150P00005S - Amana New Amana Blower Fan - 0150P00005S
0131P00006SP 0131P00006 Amana New Amana Indoor Motor 0131P00006SP
0161P00048 - Amana Grille - NEW - Discharge - 0161P00048 - Amana - 1
20415301 - Amana Grille - NEW - Discharge - 20415301 - Amana - 1
EAU60688301 - LG New LG Outdoor Fan Motor - EAU60688301
KL03E - Amana Door - NEW - Key Lock - KL03E - Amana - 1
MP07EMB82 - Midea Midea 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
MP07HMB82 - Midea Midea 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
MP12EMC82 - Midea Midea 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
MP12HMC82 - Midea Midea 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
MP09EMB83 - Midea Midea 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
MP09HMB83 - Midea Midea 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
MP12EMB83 - Midea Midea 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
MP12HMB83 - Midea Midea 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
0131P00035 - Amana New Amana Indoor Motor - 0131P00035
39A162AS - Amana Compressor - NEW - Full - 39A162AS - Amana - 1
ETAC-15HP265V30B-A - Gree Gree 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC-15HC265V30A-CP - Gree Gree 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
ETAC-15HP265V30B-CP - Gree Gree 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC-15HP265V30A-CP - Gree Gree 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC-15HP265V30A-A - Gree Gree 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC-12HC265V30A-A - Gree Gree 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PBH092G12CC - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner | 115 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PBH093G35CC - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PBH113G35CC - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PBE093G35CC - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
PBE123G35CC - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
PBC092G00CC - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner Cool Only | - 115 Volts - 15 Amp - Digital Control
PBC122G00CC - Amana New Amana 12,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 115 volt - 15 amp - with Digital Controls and Cooling Only
PBC093G00CC - Amana New Amana 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 15 amp - with Digital Controls Cooling Only
PBC123G00CC - Amana New Amana 12,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 15 amp - with Digital Controls and Cooling Only
RAK3303A - GE New GE Power Cord - RAK3303A
WJ12X10009 - GE New GE Knob - WJ12X10009
CAP010000500PB - Amana New Amana Capacitor - CAP010000500PB
CAP020000440P - Amana New Amana Capacitor - CAP020000440SP
0161P00030SA - Amana New Amana Fan - 0161P00030SA
WP27X22080 - GE New GE Heater Kit - WP27X22080
WP94X10024 - GE New GE Evaporator Motor - WP94X10024
MADS01 - Midea New Midea Condensate Drain Kit - MADS01
0131P00037 - Amana Fan Motor - NEW - Indoor - 0131P00037 - Amana - 1
0131P00031S - Amana New Amana Outdoor Fan Motor - 0131P00031S
0131P00032S - Amana Fan Motor - NEW - Outdoor - 0131P00032S - Amana - 1
RSKP0015 - Amana New Amana Touch Panel - RSKP0015
0275P00023S - Amana Heater Kit - NEW - 2.5kW - 0275P00023S - Amana - 1
PCBEP101SF - Amana New Amana Control Board - PCBEP101SF
0130M00329S - Amana New Amana Transformer - 0130M00329S
RAB7124 - GE New GE Sleeve - RAB7124
15011803 - Gree New Gree Outdoor Fan Motor - 15011803
17401202000149 - Midea New Midea Power Cord - 17401202000149
TTW-Sleeve-26 - Gree New Gree TTW Sleeve - TTW-SLEEVE-26
MP07HMB62 - Midea Midea 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
MP07EMB62 - Midea Midea 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PTEF0901HAA - Trane Trane 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PTEF1201HAA - Trane Trane 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PTHF1201HAA - Trane Trane 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PWR00288 - Trane New Trane Cord - PWR00288
PWR00290 - Trane New Trane Cord - PWR00290
11121029 - Gree New Gree Filter - 11121029
15011047 - Gree New Gree Outdoor Fan Motor - 15011047
15011802 - Gree New Gree Indoor Fan Motor - 15011802
30132043 - Gree New Gree Control Board Relay - 30132043
30132072 - Gree New Gree Control Board Relay - 30132072
30132080 - Gree New Gree Control Board Relay - 30132080
30132082 - Gree New Gree Control Board Relay - 30132082
30132083 - Gree New Gree Control Board - 30132083
30132117 - Gree New Gree Control Board - 30132117
30132118 - Gree New Gree Control Board - 30132118
30132161 - Gree New Gree Control Board Relay - 30132161
30132164 - Gree New Gree Control Board Relay - 30132164
30132171 - Gree New Gree Control Board - 30132171
30132172 - Gree New Gree Control Board - 30132172
30562050 - Gree New Gree Control Board Display - 30562050
30562073 - Gree New Gree Control Board Display - 30562073
32000002 - Gree New Gree Heater Kit - 32000002
32001039 - Gree New Gree Universal Heater Kit - 32001039
40020005 - Gree New Gree Cord - 40020005
150110342 - Gree New Gree Outdoor Fan Motor - 150110342
150110343 - Gree New Gree Indoor Fan Motor - 150110343
10331004 - Gree New Gree Fan Blade - 10331004
10351002 - Gree New Gree Blower Wheel - 10351002
10351004 - Gree New Gree Blower Wheel - 10351004
150110345 - Gree New Gree Outdoor Fan Motor - 150110345
390000372 - Gree New Gree Outdoor Thermistor - 390000372
390000596 - Gree New Gree Ambient Termistor - 390000596
390001982 - Gree New Gree Indoor Thermistor - 390001982
400203632 - Gree New Gree Cord - 400203632
1501104710 - Gree New Gree Outdoor Fan Motor - 1501104710
1501104714 - Gree New Gree Outdoor Fan Motor - 1501104714
1501104715 - Gree New Gree Outdoor Fan Motor - 1501104715
1501104716 - Gree New Gree Outdoor Fan Motor - 1501104716
1501180201 - Gree New Gree Indoor Fan Motor - 1501180201
1501180203 - Gree New Gree Indoor Fan Motor - 1501180203
1501180204 - Gree New Gree Indoor Fan Motor - 1501180204
1501180205 - Gree New Gree Indoor Fan Motor - 1501180205
1501180211 - Gree New Gree Indoor Fan Motor - 1501180211
1501180212 - Gree New Gree Indoor Fan Motor - 1501180212
1501180213 - Gree New Gree Indoor Fan Motor - 1501180213
1501180214 - Gree New Gree Indoor Fan Motor - 1501180214
1501180310 - Gree New Gree Outdoor Fan Motor - 1501180310
3200000201 - Gree New Gree Heater Kit - 3200000201
3200000203 - Gree New Gree Heater Kit - 3200000203
3900012123 - Gree New Gree Ambient Termistor - 3900012123
4002056001 - Gree New Gree Cord - 4002056001
20121070S - Gree New Gree Door - 20121070S
390002073 - Gree Thermistor - NEW - Outdoor - 390002073 - Gree - 1
69700367 - Friedrich New Friedrich Thermistor - 69700367
68700152 - Friedrich New Friedrich Thermistor - 68700152
68700135 - Friedrich New Friedrich Fan Blade- 68700135
68700136 - Friedrich New Friedrich Blower Fan - 68700136
69700380 - Friedrich New Friedrich Blower Fan - 69700380
68700087 - Friedrich New Friedrich Outdoor Motor - 68700087
68700078 - Friedrich New Friedrich Outdoor Motor - 68700078
68700086 - Friedrich New Friedrich Outdoor Motor - 68700086
68700026 - Friedrich New Friedrich Outdoor Motor - 68700026
68700173 - Friedrich New Friedrich Outdoor Motor - 68700173
68700182 - Friedrich New Friedrich Outdoor Motor - 68700182
68700210 - Friedrich New Friedrich Outdoor Motor - 68700210
68700070 - Friedrich New Friedrich Indoor Motor - 68700070
68700089 - Friedrich New Friedrich Indoor Motor - 68700089
68700090 - Friedrich New Friedrich Indoor Motor - 68700090
69700386 - Friedrich New Friedrich Indoor Motor - 69700386
69700383 - Friedrich New Friedrich Indoor Motor - 69700383
68700151 - Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board Display - 68700151
68700201 - Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board Display - 68700201
68700207 - Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board - 68700207
68700206 - Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board - 68700206
68700169 - Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board - 68700169
68700104 - Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board - 68700104
68700170 - Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board - 68700170
68700171 - Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board - 68700171
68700138 - Friedrich New Friedrich Filter - 68700138
68700167 - Friedrich New Friedrich Heater Kit - 68700167
68700168 - Friedrich New Friedrich Heater Kit - 68700168
68700193 - Friedrich New Friedrich Heater Kit - 68700193
68700165 - Friedrich New Friedrich Heater Kit - 68700165
68700163 - Friedrich New Friedrich Door - 68700163
68700158 - Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board Membrane - 68700158
68700228 - Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board Membrane - 68700228
68700164 - Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board Base - 68700164
68700199 - Friedrich New Friedrich Control Board Base - 68700199
68700091 - Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 68700091
68700109 - Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 68700109
69700442 - Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 69700442
69700443 - Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 69700443
68700108 - Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 68700108
68700113 - Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 68700113
69700444 - Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 69700444
69700449 - Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 69700449
68700107 - Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 68700107
68700043 - Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 68700043
69700446 - Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 69700446
69700445 - Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 69700445
69700447 - Friedrich New Friedrich Capacitor - 69700447
AJEQ09DCF - GE New GE AJEQ Series 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner -208 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
AJEQ12DCF - GE New GE AJEQ Series 12,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 208 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
WP71X10033 - GE New GE Door - WP71X10033
WP71X10004 - GE New GE Door - WP71X10004
WP26X10028 - GE New GE Control Board - WP26X10028
WP71X20960 - GE New GE Front Cover - WP71X20960
RAB80 - GE New GE Sleeve - RAB80
PDXWSA - Friedrich New Friedrich Sleeve for PTACs - PDXWSA
RAB71B 084691817802 GE New GE Sleeve for PTACs - RAB71B
DS01G - Amana New Amana Wireless Thermostat - DS01G
WJ85X10185 - GE New GE Filter - WJ85X10185
MATS01 - Midea Thermostat - NEW - Wall - MATS01 - Midea - 1
PTAC-SLEEVE-SE-INS - Gree New Gree Knock Down Wall Sleeve
PXGA R013120181616 Friedrich New Friedrich Grille - PXGA
RAB81 - GE New GE Sleeve - RAB81
RAB81 - GE New GE Insulated Metal Sleeve - RAB81
RAB81B - GE New GE Foldable Insulated Metal Sleeve - RAB81B
202821390009 - Midea New Midea TTW Sleeve - 202821390009
PCNTW12K3C6T - Perfect Comfort Perfect Comfort 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
EZ2609B5Y1S45AA - IslandAire New IslandAire 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 115 volt - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump
0131P00010SP 0131P00010 Amana New Amana Evaporator Motor - 0131P00010SP
QHM08LX - Haier Window Unit - NEW - 8k - 115v - 15A - No Heat - Digital - QHM08LX - Haier - 1
ETAC2-12HC230VA - Gree Gree 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PXSB23020 - Friedrich New Friedrich Subbase - PXSB23020
PXSB23030 - Friedrich New Friedrich Subbase - PXSB23030
PXSB26515 - Friedrich New Friedrich Subbase - PXSB26515
PXSB26530 - Friedrich New Friedrich Subbase - PXSB26530
RAK204D15C - GE New GE Subbase - RAK204D15C
RAK204D20C - GE New GE Subbase - RAK204D20C
RAK204D30C - GE New GE Subbase - RAK204D30C
RAK204E20C - GE New GE Subbase - RAK204E20C
RAK204E30C - GE New GE Subbase - RAK204E30C
WP70X24594 - GE New GE Heater Kit - WP70X24594
AH11H12D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
AH11E07D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
AH11E09D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
AH11E12D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
AH11E15D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
AH11H07D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
AH11H09D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
AH11H15D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
2000147503 - Gree New Gree Front Cover - 2000147503
WP94X24985 - GE New GE Outdoor Motor - WP94X24985
WRT2 - Friedrich New Friedrich Thermostat - WRT2
30542007 - Carrier New Carrier Control Board - 30542007
RSKP0013 - Amana New Amana Control Board - RSKP0013
RSKP0014 - Amana New Amana Control Board - RSKP0014
0131P00029SP - Amana New Amana Indoor Motor - 0131P00029SP
VPAWP1-14 - Friedrich New Friedrich Plenum - VPAWP1-14
26TTW09HC230V1A-T - Gree New Gree 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
RAB71B - GE PTAC Sleeve - GE Insulated Wall Sleeve - RAB71B - 16 x42" - DS
PDE15K5SG - Friedrich Friedrich PD Series 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
SGK01B P6785908R Amana New Amana Stamped Grille - SGK01B
60343539 - Amana New Amana Compressor Overload Protection - 60343539
RAG60 84691745822 GE New GE Grille - RAG60
AYUH2130 - LG New LG Cord - AYUH2130 - DS
WP26X24977 - GE New GE Control Board - WP26X24977
WP76X24978 - GE Control Board - NEW - Membrane - WP76X24978 - GE - 1 - DS
RAK520P 084691817673 GE New GE Cord - RAK520P - DS
MTA12ER82 - Midea Midea Arctic King TTW 12k 208v
PWHK01G70 - Amana New Amana Thermostat Wiring Harness - PWHK01G70 - DS
26TTW09HP115V1A-T - Gree Gree 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner | 115 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
0161P00110 - Amana New Amana Shroud - 0161P00110
DS01G - Amana New Amana Wireless Thermostat - DS01G - DS
WP26X22240 - GE New GE Control Board - WP26X22240 - DS
0131P00054SP - Amana New Amana Indoor Motor 0131P00054SP
MP12HMB82 R071920182338 Midea Midea 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
26TTW12HC230V1A-T 852036004695
Gree New Gree 12,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
0131P00055SP - Amana New Amana Indoor Motor - 0131P00055SP
RT7 - Friedrich New Friedrich Thermostat - RT7
WP01X21826 - GE New GE Motor Bearing - WP01X21826
11121212 - Gree New Gree Filter - 11121212
0131P00025SP - Amana New Amana Outdoor Fan Motor - 0131P00025SP
E2CORD-230V20A - Gree New Gree Cord - E2CORD-230V20A - DS
WP26X21585 - GE New GE Thermostat Wire Harness - WP26X21585
DRY093G25CXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
AGK01WB - Amana New Amana Grille - AGK01WB
DT01G DT01G Amana New Amana DigiAntenna - DT01G
AGK01TB 110600235 Amana New Amana Grille - AGK01TB - DS
RAK515P M RAK515P GE New GE Cord - RAK515P
WP94X10308 - GE New GE Indoor Motor - WP94X10308
RAK148P2 - GE New GE Thermostat - RAK148P2
0130P00113 - Amana New Amana Cord - 0130P00113
RAD10 084691747406
GE New GE Drain Kit - RAD10 - DS
30562075 - Amana New Amana Control Board 30562075
0131P00026SPK - Amana New Amana Outdoor Motor - 0131P00026SPK
AZ65H09DAD - GE GE 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Controls
26TTWSLEEVE - Gree New Gree TTW Sleeve - TTW-SLEEVE-26-DS
LP073HDUC - LG LG 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
LP093HDUC1 - LG LG 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
DSA01NM - Amana Amana Wireless Thermostat Kit DSA01NM
10078901 - Amana Filter - NEW - Air - 10078901 - Amana - 1
ETAC2-09HC230VA-CP ETAC2-09HC230VA-CP Gree Gree 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Controls
RAK149P2 - GE New GE Thermostat RAK149P2
RAK149F2 - GE New GE Thermostat - RAK149F2
ETAC2-07HP230VA-CP - Gree Gree 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230V - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC2-07HP230VA-CP - Gree Gree 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC2-12HP230VA-CP - Gree Gree 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
ETAC2-09HP230VA-CP - Gree Gree 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PWR00286 - Trane New Trane Cord - PWR00286
0163M00453 - Amana New Amana Receptacle 0163M00453 NEMA 7-20
AZ65H07DAC - GE Refurbished GE 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
AZ65H07DAD - GE Refurbished GE 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
0163M00453 - Amana Receptacle - NEW - NEMA 7-20 - 0163M00453 - Amana - 1- DS
RAKOIM - GE New GE Interface Module
RAK148H2 - GE New GE Thermostat RAK148H2
AYUH2120 - LG Power Cord - NEW - 20A - AYUH2120 - LG - 1R
PHWT-A150H - Amana New Amana Thermostat - PHWT-A150H - DS
WS924D1 - Amana Sleeve - NEW - Insulated Metal - WS924D1 - Amana - 1
RAK320P 84691817581 GE New GE 20A Cord - RAK320P
26TTW09HC230V1A-T - Gree Gree 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
0131P00025SPK - Amana New Amana Outdoor Fan Motor - 0131P00025SPK
AGK01DB - Amana New Amana Grille - AGK01DB-DS
AZ45E09DAB - GE GE 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
RAB7124B - GE Sleeve - NEW - Insulated Metal - RAB8120B - GE - 1
0131P00008SPK - Amana New Amana Outdoor Motor - 0131P00008SPK
CAP020300450CS - Amana Capacitor - NEW - Dual - CAP020300450CS - Amana - 1
RAK320D - GE Power Cord - NEW - 20A - RAK320D - GE - 1
0131P00031SPK - Amana New Amana Outdoor Motor 0131P00031SPK
AZ95E18DAC - GE VTAC Unit - NEW - 18k - 208v - Universal - Electric Heat - Digital - AZ95E18DAC - GE - 1
RT7 - Friedrich New Friedrich Thermostat - RT7-DS
CAP020200450CS - Amana Capacitor - NEW - Dual - CAP020200450CS - Amana - 1
WP85X20858 - GE New GE Filter WP85X20858
26TTW09HP115V1A-T - Gree New Gree 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 115 volt - 15amp - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump
26TTW12HC230V1A-T 852036004695
Gree New Gree 12,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230V - 20 amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
26TTW12HP230V1A-T - Gree New Gree 12,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230 volt - 20amp - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump
AJEQ10DCH - GE New GE 10,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230V - 20amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
AJEQ12DCH - GE New GE 12,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230V - 20amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
26TTW09HP230V1A-T - Gree New Gree 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230V - 20a - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump
PMC093G50EXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PMC123G50ERXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PTC153G00HQXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Hydronic Heat - Digital Control
PTC153G00**XX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Hydronic Heat - Digital Control
PTC153G25RXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PTC154G50CXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PTH074G25QRXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PTH074G35VXXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PTH153G00CHXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Hydronic Heat - Digital Control
AJEQ08ACH - GE New GE 8,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 115V - 15amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
314790353 - Garrison Garrison 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
300001060124 - Amana New Amana Control Board - 300001060124
0131P00030SP - Amana New Amana Outdoor Motor - 0131P00030SP
314790360 - Garrison Garrison 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
AH11H09D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - DS
E2CORD-230V15A - Gree New Gree Cord - E2CORD-230V15A-DS
E2CORD-230V30A - Gree New Gree Cord - E2CORD-230V30A - DS
30562079 - Amana New Amana Control Board - 30562079
10371005 - Amana Fan Shroud - NEW - N/A - 10371005 - Amana - 1
20121106 - Amana Fan Shroud - NEW - Top Cover - 20121106 - Amana - 1
FFRP072HT6 - Frigidaire Frigidaire FFRP072HT6 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
FFRP072LT6 - Frigidaire Frigidaire FFRP072LT6 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
FFRP092HT6 - Frigidaire Frigidaire 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
FFRP152HT3 - Frigidaire Frigidaire 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
WP26X20982 - GE Thermistor - NEW - Indoor - WP26X20982 - GE - 1
HVK03E - Amana Hydronic HVK03E Hot Steam Heater Kit
HWK03E - Amana Hydronic HWK03E Hot Water Heater Kit
HCC-C12HP-A - Soleus Soleus 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
AJHQ08ACH - GE New GE 8,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 115V - 15amp - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump
AJEQ14DCH - GE New GE 14,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230V - 20amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
AJHQ12DCH - GE New GE 12,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230V - 20amp - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump
AJEQ10DWH - GE New GE 10,000 BTU Wi-Fi TTW Air Conditioner - 230V - 20amp - with Digital Controls and Electric Heat
WP27X24982 - GE Heater Kit - NEW - Universal - WP27X24982 - GE - 1
FRP77ETT3A - Frigidaire Frigidaire FRP77ETT3A 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
FRP77ETT3R - Frigidaire Frigidaire FRP77ETT3R 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
FRP77PTV3R - Frigidaire Frigidaire 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
MP12HMB83 - Midea Midea 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
TP-N-731W - Vive Thermostat - NEW - Wireless - TP-N-731W - Vive - 1-DS - ES
AH11E07D2B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
AH11E09D2B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
AH11E12D5B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
AH11E15D5B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
AH11H07D2B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
AH11H09D2B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
AH11H12D5B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
AH11H15D5B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
314790354 - Garrison Garrison 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
314790349 - Garrison Garrison 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
314790351 - Garrison Garrison 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
GE New GE 15A Cord - RAK315P
60349604A - Amana Compressor - NEW - Overload Protection - 60349604A - Amana - 1
E2WH230V30A - Gree Power Cord - NEW - Hardwire Kit - E2WH230V30A - Gree - 1 - DS
MP09EMB92 - Midea Midea 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
RAG67 84691747024 GE New GE Grille - RAG67 - DS
314790351 - Garrison Garrison 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Digital Control
314790351 - Garrison Garrison 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Digital Control
314790354 - Garrison Garrison 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Digital Control
MP15EMC82 - Garrison Open Box Midea 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
RAB24 - GE New GE TTW Sleeve - RAB24
MP12EMB92 - Midea Midea 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
MP12HMB92 - Midea Midea 12,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
MP15EMB92 - Midea Midea 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
WRT2 - Friedrich New Friedrich Thermostat - WRT2 - DS
MP15HMB92 - Midea Midea 15,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
MP09HMB92 - Midea Midea 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
AJHQ08AWH - GE New GE 8,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 115V - 15amp - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump - DS
PDH09K3SG - Friedrich Friedrich PD Series 9,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
RAG13A 84691229674 GE New GE Grille - RAG13A - DS
26TTW09HP115V1A - Gree Carrier 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner | 115 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
PCNTW12K3C6T - Perfect Comfort Perfect Comfort 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
AZ95E09DAC - GE VTAC Unit - NEW - 9k - 208v - Universal - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - AZ95E09DAC - GE - 1 - DS
PCBEP100 - Amana New Amana Control Board - PCBEP100
DCP073A35AA - Distinctions Distinctions 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
DCP093A35AA - Distinctions Distinctions 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
DCP123A35AA - Distinctions Distinctions 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
DCP153A35AA - Distinctions Distinctions 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
DHP093A35AA - Distinctions Distinctions 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
DHP123A35AA - Distinctions Distinctions 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
DHP153A35AA - Distinctions Distinctions 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
DHP094A35AA - Distinctions Distinctions 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
DHP124A35AA - Distinctions Distinctions 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
HEC124H35AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
26TTW09HP230V1A-T - Gree New Gree 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 230V - 20a - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump-1
26TTWSLEEVE - Gree New Gree TTW Sleeve - TTW-SLEEVE-26-DS - ES
WS900QW - Amana New Amana Sleeve - WS900QW Quiet White - DS
WS900E-C - Amana New Amana Sleeve - WS900E-C - 81
RAB26A - GE New GE TTW Sleeve - RAB26A - DS
WS900E-C - Amana New Amana Sleeve - WS900E-C
WS900QW - Amana New Amana Sleeve - WS900QW Quiet White
PXPC23030A - Friedrich New Friedrich Cord - PXPC23030A - DS
PTC073K25AXXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC073K25AXXX - DS
PTC073K35AXXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC073K35AXXX
PTC093K25AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC093K25AXXX - DS
PTC093K35AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC093K35AXXX
PTC093K50AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC093K50AXXX
PTC123K25AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC123K25AXXX
PTC123K35AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC123K35AXXX
PTC123K50AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC123K50AXXX
PTC153K25AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC153K25AXXX
PTC153K35AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC153K35AXXX
PTC153K50AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC153K50AXXX
PTC173K25AXXX - Amana Amana 17,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC173K25AXXX
PTC173K35AXXX - Amana Amana 17,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC173K35AXXX
PTC173K50AXXX - Amana Amana 17,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC173K50AXXX
PTH073K25AXXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH073K25AXXX
PTH073K35AXXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH073K35AXXX
PTH093K25AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH093K25AXXX
PTH093K35AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH093K35AXXX
PTH093K50AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH093K50AXXX
PTH123K25AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH123K25AXXX
PTH123K35AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH123K35AXXX
PTH123K50AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH123K50AXXX
PTH153K25AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH153K25AXXX
PTH153K35AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH153K35AXXX
PTH153K50AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH153K50AXXX
DCP123A35AA - Distinctions Distinctions 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control-1
26TTW09HP115V1A-T - Gree New Gree 9,000 BTU TTW Air Conditioner - 115 volt - 15amp - with Digital Controls and Heat Pump - DS - ES
PTC074K25AXXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC074K25AXXX
PTC074K35AXXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC074K35AXXX
PTC094K25AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC094K25AXXX
PTC094K35AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC094K35AXXX
PTC094K50AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC094K50AXXX
PTC124K25AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC124K25AXXX
PTC124K35AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC124K35AXXX
PTC124K50AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC124K50AXXX
PTC154K25AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC154K25AXXX
PTC154K35AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC154K35AXXX
PTC154K50AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC154K50AXXX
PTH074K25AXXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH074K25AXXX
PTH074K35AXXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH074K35AXXX
PTH094K24AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH094K25AXXX
PTH094K35AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH094K35AXXX
PTH094K50AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH094K50AXXX
PTH124K25AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH124K25AXXX
PTH124K35AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH124K35AXXX
PTH124K50AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH124K50AXXX
PTH154K25AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH154K25AXXX
PTH154K35AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH154K35AXXX
PTH154K50AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH154K50AXXX
AH11H12E3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AH11H12E3B
PTH123J35AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH123J35AXXX
PTC073J25AXXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC073J25AXXX
PTC073J35AXXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC073J35AXXX
PTC093J25AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC093J25AXXX
PTC093J35AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC093J35AXXX
PTC093J50AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC093J50AXXX
PTC123J25AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC123J25AXXX
PTC123J35AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC123J35AXXX
PTC123J50AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC123J50AXXX
PTC153J25AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC153J25AXXX
PTC153J35AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC153J35AXXX
PTC153J50AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC153J50AXXX
RAB26A - GE New GE TTW Sleeve - RAB26A
PTC173J25AXXX - Amana Amana 17,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC173J25AXXX
PTC173J35AXXX - Amana Amana 17,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC173J35AXXX
PTC173J50AXXX - Amana Amana 17,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC173J50AXXX
PTH073J25AXXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH073J25AXXX
PTH0073J35AXXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH073J35AXXX
PTH093J25AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH093J25AXXX
PTH093J35AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH093J35AXXX
PTH093J50AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH093J50AXXX
PTH123J25AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH123J25AXXX
PTH123J50AXXX - Amana Amana 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH123J50AXXX
PTH153J25AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH153J25AXXX
PTH153J35AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH153J35AXXX
PTH153J50AXXX - Amana Amana 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - External Thermostat - PTH153J50AXXX
AH11H09E3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AH11H09E3B
DK900QW - Amana New Amana Drain Kit - DK900QW
PWHK01G70 1236703 Amana New Amana Thermostat Wiring Harness - PWHK01G70
PXPC23015A - Friedrich New Friedrich Cord - PXPC23015A - DS
PXPC23020 - Friedrich New Friedrich Cord - PXPC23020A - DS
PDE07K3SG - Friedrich Friedrich PD Series 7,000 BTU PTAC Air Conditioner | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Resistive Electric Heat - Digital Control
PTC073K25AXXX - Amana Amana 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC073K25AXXX
PTC093K25AXXX - Amana Amana 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - External Thermostat - PTC093K25AXXX
WP26X28065 - GE New GE Control Board - WP26X28065
DHP093A35AA - Distinctions Distinctions 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
DHP093A50AA - Distinctions Distinctions 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - DHP093A50AA
RAK6053 - GE New GE Zoneline Duct Adapter - RAK6053
RAK601B - GE New GE Zoneline Duct Extension - RAK601B
DHP123A50AA - Distinctions Distinctions 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - DHP123A50AA
DHP153A50AA - Distinctions Distinctions 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - DHP153A50AA
DCP093A50AA - Distinctions Distinctions 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - DCP093A50AA
DCP123A50AA - Distinctions Distinctions 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - DCP123A50AA
DCP153A50AA - Distinctions Distinctions 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - DCP153A50AA
AH12H12D5B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AH12H12D5B
DHP093A25AA - Distinctions Distinctions 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
DHP123A25AA - Distinctions Distinctions 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control
DCP093A25AA - Distinctions Distinctions 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
DCP123A25AA - Distinctions Distinctions 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control
DSA02NO - Amana New Amana Wireless Thermostat - DSA02NO
dsa02no - Amana New Amana Wireless Thermostat DSA02NO - DS
AZ65H09DAC - GE 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - Universal Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AZ65H09DAC
AH12E07D2B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - AH12E07D2B
AH12E07D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - AH12E07D3B
AH12E09D2B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - AH12E09D2B
AH12E09D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - AH12E09D3B
AH12E12D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - AH12E12D3B
AH12E15D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - AH12E15D3B
AH12E12D5B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - AH12E12D5B
AH12E15D5B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Electric Heat - Digital Control - AH12E15D5B
AH12H07D2B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AH12H07D2B
AH12H07D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 7,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AH12H07D3B
AH12H09D2B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 15 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AH12H09D2B
AH12H09D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AH12H09D3B
AH12H09E3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 9,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 265/277 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AH12H09E3B
AH12H12D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 12,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AH12H12D3B
AH12H15D3B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 20 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AH12H15D3B
AH12H15D5B - Hotpoint Hotpoint 15,000 BTU PTAC Unit | 208/230 Volts - 30 Amp - Heat Pump - Digital Control - AH12H15D5B
0161P00110S - Amana New Amana Shroud - 0161P00110S
PHWT-A200 - Amana New Amana Thermostat - PHWT-A200 - DS
WS918QW-C - Amana PTAC Unit - NEW - A - Controls - WS918QW-C - 1 - DS